Originally published in Bplans. The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invitation-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs, asked eight of its members for their best advice on identifying new business opportunities. Here are their answers. 1. Use Google Trends Google Trends is a tool that lets you see how the number of searches for a given term has changed over time. It’s an invaluable tool for getting a clear sense of the evolution of a trend or market. Tip: Put in a variety of search terms to see their relative popularity. — Emerson Spartz, Spartz 2. Spot Signifiers To understand your marketplace, you need to make sure that you have a good understanding of past trends, how and why they occurred. This knowledge will give you the insight you need to spot signifiers and indicators of new trends. — David Ehrenberg, Early Growth Financial Services 3. Read … Continue reading